• Teachers’ group is between 25 and 63, which will be trained on how to recognise and react in case of recognition of behavioural disturbances symptoms. If behavioral issues such as angry outbursts, high anxiety or violence persist past the toddler stage, it may be time to screen a child for signs of mental illness. Untreated or unaddressed behavioral or emotional issues have a negative impact on children’s success in school. Mental and behavioral issues often go hand-in-hand; someone who suffers from depression or bipolar disorder could develop behaviors like anorexia, self harm or oppositional defiance.
  • Dedicated panel of 190 teachers will be involved in the direct training process to raise their qualification on strategies towards students with behavioural and mental disturbances.
  • Selection requirements of the involved teachers are:
    • Age – 25-63 (where possible we will try to involve equal number of male/female youth)
    • Working environment: teachers, but also can be pedagogical counselors and resource tutors
    • Fluent language skills of one of partners’ languages
    • Basic digital competences to work with e-training materials
    • Time availability to dedicate to the project and training implementation
    • Basic skills to use computer, internet and to complete online feedback forms
  • Validation mechanism will be pre and post case based evaluation via dedicated tool.
  • Impact gathering questionnaire will be provided to the participants to assess the applicability of the training and project results.

Adolescents (vocational students aged 15-18 years old) and their families should be informed about the options available in the healthcare system, and access to such services should be improved. By cooperating with schools and by seeking support from and collaborating with school social workers and school psychologists, doctors can help teachers to identify stress factors in the school setting and reduce risks for children and adolescents in that setting.

Thanks to the collaboration with 94 SU, AMPAT, BIST team will develop new digital microcredential training, which will further support teachers’ qualification and mental health resilience of the students. Knowing how to address and accommodate different student needs can help to make the classroom a safe, secure place where students feel comfortable sharing their concerns and challenges. It helps when teachers have the knowledge to address different student learning styles in order to mitigate stress caused by academic pressure. Since students spend so much of their time at school, a trusted teacher can become an invaluable resource and support to students who are struggling.