Visit our YouTube channel to see the first educative videos in English

We are glad to inform you that our project consortium developed 7 educative videos, which are dedicated to vocational students aged 14-18. They aim to raise the awareness towards different aspects of mental health resilience such as:

Video 1 The importance of the mental health for young people aged 14-18

Video 2: Understanding Depression: prevention and its impact on young people

Video 3: Understanding panic attacks and anxiety disorders and their impact on young people

Video 4: Understanding Eating disorders and their impact on young people

Video 5: Understanding substance abuse and its impact on young people

Video 6: Understanding Non-suicidal self-injuty disorder & Post-traumatic stress disorder and how they can impact your life?

Video 7: Living with Body Dysmporphic disorder: The story of Barbie and Ken

You may see them if you visit our YouTube channel via:

They are also available at this website in subpage “PROJECT RESULTS”